ZOMG love the riddler

i was reading this book the other day and it had a riddle in it

‘What is an eleven letter word that everybody pronounces inccorectly?’

and OMG. i dont think ive ever been more stumped in my life! seriously it is rrreeeaaalllyyy hard. and when the answer finally hit me, well lets just say i felt like a complete idiot. so i post this question out to all of you what is an eleven letter word that everybody pronounces inccorectly?

2010 Abbey Medieval Festival!

didja miss me?

as you might of gussed today i went to the abbey medieval festival with my family*sigh*on thw whole it was pretty awesome. I’d been there once before, so there really wasnt anything i hadn’t seen before (besides the jousting, but ill get to that later) but still, i was blown away! the authenticity of it all! it was a 80% perfect. i found it quite funny because the sign at the entrance said “authentic medieval” and some chick in proper medieval outfit – not at all flawed – and she ruins the whole thing by texting on her iphone….i mean seriously….

but OH MAH GAWD! there were so many things there! Stalls, jousting tournament, archery competition, so you think you can medieval dance, horseback archery display, fencing, oil wrestling, gypsies, renaissance fair, jesters, floggings, music, puppet shows, romani trail, morris dancing, stainded glass tours, cannon tactics (shit those things are loud, my ears are still ringing), there was pretty much everthing imaginable! If you guys havent gone before i suggest you should! and omg, dont get me started on the food! aaahhhh, pigs on spits, lamb shanks, pancakes, ale, wines, pinnara and a whole bunch of other stuff that i cant spell! omg the food was AWESOME!

I bought heaps of stuff while i was there ($100+) and the stuff was a bit exy but it was deffinatly worth it, the quaitly at this place was supurb! i bought this beautiful pentagram necklace its rimmed with authentic rune scripts and has a blue jewl in the middle ($44), i bought a pair of sterling silver pentagran studs($6), i also bought a full length blue cloak; the good stuff ($75) beautiful im gonna wear it ever chance i get! and i got this celtic ring, it kinda loks like a really fancy silver rope ($7) i also got this really nice celtic box. it had celtic patterns carved onto it and it had a big pentagram engraved into the lid($15). and i bought about $20 worth of food.  but it sux cause i know ow my mom for the cloak (she bought it for me) so i have to pay it back to her. but oh well, the cloak was worth it.

we also watched the jousting tournament, we were in the nobels seating areas. It was arganorts vs amazons and for all of you ceatons that mean boy vs girl. its was wicked. some 60yr old dude won, it was epic.

omg i almost forgot i got a tattoo! its one of those indian ones – henna – itll last me about 3 weeks, and its good cause it just fades away in my skin, it doesnt peel or scratch off XD.



This is my guess

I found this pic on the net the other day and i reckon that this is probably the most plausable theory….you’ll see what i mean

There’s a snake in mah boot!

wat does that heading mean? I’ll get to that in a bit.

The other day i went out to the movies with two of my friends: Princess and Mr Bobble Head. (lol i love the nicknames i gave them) before i actually met up with them, i was walking around the shopd and i ran into this little stall. guess what it was selling…..A SHAM WOWS! oh yeah im serious. so after we all met up we walked around the shops and i led them to the sham wow stand right. and my friend: Mr bobble head mangaed to con the guy into giving us two SHAM WOWS! ‘they’ll make you say wow, every time!’  it was pretty damn cool. so now i have a SHAM WOW! as you might have guessed getting a $20+ SHAM WOW! for free makes me happy. and omg. there were clowns. i hate clowns. one of them was eating a clown ice-cream from wendys….that aint right man. its like cannablism…but creamy. anyway. more fun stories. we were walking through K-mart and you know those photo prining stations/ computer or what ever you want to call them? yeah, those ones. well just for the heck of it we decided to print somthing off. i bluetooth’d a few pics over and we put the name in for the recipiant as ‘Bat Mantam” it was the funniest thing ever. We also went over to one of those machines that takes ur height and wieght for you. and when my friend has his turn, the recpit didnt actualy snapp off so we managed to take out the whole reel of recipt paper. so friggin halrious man. there was easily several or more meters of it there. we looked like such retards puching it around in a trolly. it was awesome. oh, we also went to the EB games shop (it was having a half price sale) and they were testing out the new halo game and this little kid was playing right, he would of been any more than like 10 or 11. so Mr bobble head and Princess are like. ‘aw yeah, ima gonna beat you!’ the little kid practically smashed them both…repeadtedly. and like Mr Bobble head and Princess are 14 and 15 and they were tatally getting creamed by this cocky little kid. the funniest thing ever.

Then eventually we went to go see the movie – Toy Story 3. its was awsome it was packed full of todlers and little kids and then there was us, three teens. too kewl. it was really funny cause up the back there were some kids who clapped when the movie started, so we were like ‘wtf are they clapping?!?!?!’ then we came up with the idea that we would clap and laugh at all the inopropriate parts. it worked like a charm. it made the movie a whole lot funnier. and woody kept on saying that shity line, theres a snake in mah boot! its so stupid and random its just so funny. anyway the movie was awesome.

omg! i almost forgot about the kid and his mom! we were walking to Ed’s Pc’s or somthing (i forget which shop) and we walked past this kid and his mom and the boy was looking all anoyed and sad and all you can hear is the mom saying “…now if you dont behave yourself your going in the bin!”…..yes i am totally serious. i mean it. im not joking. she actually said that. who says that to a kid! we didnt even look like he was six or seven for the gods sake! but hell. we pretty much burst out laughing right in front of her we couldnt stop laughing for like ages. seriously ‘….or your going in the bin…’ who says that! it still makes me laugh thinking about it.

well guys that pretty much a run down of my day out with my friends at the movies. hope you enojyed!

Fav Shane Dawson Post

I was randomly surfing youtube the other night and i came across this video. I admitt i really love shanes work, its awesome. But i think this is one of his funniest. It may be one of his simplest, but its just too good not to share.


Medical School

This guy just got out of Med school. Nice to see hes putting his skills to use

Med School

I love these

Funny as pics ❤ I woud just like to say i got all of these pics off  http://www.thereifixedit.com i take no credit for these XD

This displeases me…..

Let me just say, adults are pricks. Big, fat, pompous and totally incomprehensible PRICKS!

ok im good now.

Well, not really. You see. For me, one of my chores is washing the dishes a few times a week. Following me? good, well my moms often opening for bargening. And latley ive been skipping the dishes and she hasn’t even said a word….almost. My moms a crafty bitch. No matter what agreement you come to with her she can always find a loophole to make things more…agreeable for her. so i was wondering. how come she letting me off. So saturday night comes along, we have a visitor, so that makes 5 of us. Big roast were having, with all of the sides too. potato, tomato, lettuce, peas, gravey, carrots, breans, brocili, coliflower the lot. And i usually do sunday or monday nights washing up right? So i go off to the computer (i didnt like the guest….hate would be a better word….so i wanted to be bymyself) and i hear my mom call me. “Come do the dishes!” and i was like WTF (in my mind of course my mom would have a coniption if i said that) “‘Why, it isnt my night” so shes like “youve been skipping out on so many nights, you can do it tonnight…” She looks at me and sees she not gonna tear me away from the computer “Or no computer for a week.” Her friggin supirior grin friggin pissed me off as my mouth practicall hung open.

you see thats why shes a crafty bitch, she plannes to let me off she she could gt out of doing the dishes on a night with practically TRIPLE the amount. and thats not all! then she makes me go and clean the frecking oven as well!

So i would like to ask you, what ‘displeases’ you? What really gets on your nerves. Particually stuff ur parents do or make you do? what do you find the most anoying about them? go ahead and leave a post.  and person with the best comment will be featured in a post 1-2 weeks from now. so hurry up and send me in ur comments!

cool convo i had with my friend

for a while ive had a penpal (well, more of an email pal really) in america and we are both full on addicted to both anime and manga and when i told her somthing (youll find out what soon) well…its better i show you…(what i have say will be in the darker font and my friend will be the lighter)

the last chapter of FMA was released!
FMA must continue forever! It can not end! NNNNNOOO! how dare they end it! i loved that series! GGGGGRRRRRRRRr. but the ending was so awesome, so beautful, so epic! I loved it so much i almost BURST!
but still…

erm…wats FMA? :/
wait a min…….FMA….oh! i got it!!! its FullMetalAchlimest!!!! (or however its spelt)
WAT!!!!! HOW DARE THEY END FMA!!!!!!!! THOSE BAST***S!!!!!1 D:<
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! FMM CANT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😥
(all tho ive never read the manga and only watch the anime >_>)
but yea, donsent FMA hav like 5 different seasons, erm somthing?
like theres FMA BrotherHood, then FMA Road to Shan-watever that place was called, then another that i compeletly forgot the name of the subtitle….oh well. at least FMA will never end in our hearts ♥♥♥ 🙂

lol yeah it is FullMetalAlchemist.
and it is ssoooo BS right?
and it
Full Metal Alchemist (i think it was 5-6 season yeah…somthing like that)
Full Metal Alchemist – Brother Hoo
Full Metal Alchemist – the conqueror of shamballa

zomg and you sssooooooo have to read the manga. it was the BEST. it was so awesome it like totally ties with the awesomeness of the anime!


I just have to express to all of my reader how absolutly devestating this news is!

please leave a comment if you feel the need to express your sadness for the final chapter of the full metal alchemist series. WE SHALL MISS YOU EDWARD AND ALPHONSE-KUN!

Teachers are stupid…especially art ones.

I have an Art tracher right? well to sum her up in one word would be easy…BITCH!

sorry Miss, but its true. i wont name her for obvious reasons, but art used to be one of the only things that brought joy to my life. its still does. but when it comes to art at SCHOOL…well, thats another matter entierly. i absolutly dread that class. and it kinda sux cause it was meant to be my favourite one of the semester. I picked that one thinking that it would be my ‘fun’ subject. One that i could relax a bit with. but NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO.

stupid idiopt teacher has to be a total retard when it coms to teaching classes….prick. for example, with one of my first assingments. I had to make a pot…from scratch. pretty simple right? no. it had all of these guidelines i had to stick to, a bit excessive if you ask me. art is about expressing yourself right? well how can i do that with all of these damn guidelines? i mean SERIOUSLY. must be between the height of 15-30cm you must be able to carry it home on your own. It must not resemble a ‘ting’ of any sorts it must be a totally absrtact creation….and heaps more shit like that. it was soooooo gay!

and that doesnt even begin to top it off! like recently for example. i had just finsihed drawing the final copy of my assing which took me like 2 weeks to do mind you, takes like 10 seconds to look at it and says ‘do it again.’and i was like WTF!!!! (althouh i didnt actually say that 🙂 ) so shes like ‘yeah the outlines on your drawing is  bit to dark and your shading….well u dont like the way you did it. it kind of ruins the whole effect of it. do it again…’ well you couldve told me that before i friggin finished you BITCH! and like she tells me this a WEEK before its due. and the other one took me 2 weeks to do! and not to mention all of my other fucking assingments i have to do! when i did the orriginal copy i hardly had any assingments to do! now i have at least one fore every subject! the bitch can sure pick her timting. FUCK. and it sucks cause i cant get out of it either. i might fail my art class if i dont do this the way she wants me to. which REALLY blows if you ask me. i cant afford to fail this art class, cause art is one of the things i wish to pursue in life…to say the least. ande then she gets semi-pissed at me for not wanting to do it right? i mean for friggin god SAKES!

to sum it up i basically LOATH art classes now….let alone my drama class (whish ALSO was supossed to be another one of my ‘fun’ and ‘fav’ classes…but thats a story for another time)


Lol i lied <3

i totally have stuff to talk about.

You know me. i never shut up…XD

Well where do i begin? HHHHMMMMMMMMMM *strokes imaginary beard* …..*more thinking sounds* …… AHA!

‘Third wheels’ – i bet everyone has heard of them before, right? Well lets just say i have a nasty habbit of always being somebodys wing-gal (aka – the un-wanted third wheel). its kinda anoying. i mean. I got out to the movies or the park or even the beach with a friend of mine and they (50% of the time) end up bringing their ‘other half’…seriously, i like my dignity as it is. Do you people realise how….HUMILIATING (thats a good word) vits is to be a third wheel? I mean come one How thick can you get, i look like a friggin staker who is following a couple around.

And it is even more awkward when you go to the movies. cause like your friend wants to sit next to you and their BF/GF right? So they are in the middle. And (obviously) they start acting all love dovey; holding hands to even making out sometimes and the third wheel (me) is left their either

a – stuffing their faces trying to advoid eye contact with you

b – eyes glued to the screen pretending as if nothing is happening

c – watching (ew…i dont do that, but i have SEEN people do it…gross)

I remember one time i was in that situation and i got so fed p at one point that i walked out and my friend followed me – and her BF as well; he was giving me a total death/dagger (or whatever you want to call it) glare. fuck. If you are going to go out on a date with someone, have the guts to go alone at least, or if you cant do that make sure ur friend has their partner with them as well (double date yay) seriously, it would be no where as awkward for the third wheel.


ill publish another post later, i just gotta finish the last few chapters on my latest manga! 🙂


Poem of the day

hey readers im thinking of adding this new quote thing…a bit like the poem thing im doing right now. ill be posting kewl quotes up from day to day. they’ll probably be as regular as my daily thee songs. what do you think of this idea?

btw – ( even though i asked for your comments, i was still going to do it anyway XD)

a peach is a peach,

a plum is a plum

 a kiss ain’t a kiss,

without some tounge.

so open our mouth,

and close your eyes,

and give your tounge some exercise

and here is a sneek peek at my quote f the day idea.

“I love old people, who have hair, growing out of their ears.”

Vicky Point Cinimas Can Go Die In A HOLE!

Seriously. they can. i hate them =…well at least that blonde bitch thats works there. she HAS to go and die in a hole.

So you see, me and mah bestie were going to the movies to see The Back-Up Plan (yeah i know its a chick-flick, and i usually hate those to deaath…but this one was more of a comedy). So we have just come out of Aldi and were are going up to buy our tickets (the food is way cheaper there.) and for the two of us its $13 right? well we told her what movie we wanted to go see and she all like “That’ll be $17” and were like, WTF! so were like – “Um…$17? that can’t be right. Its 2 student tickets to…” thats when the bitch cut us off “Uh no, its adult tickets for you two.” Me and mah besties mouth were hanging open by this point, and we were thinking ‘this couldnt get any worse than it already is right?’ so we said “Um…excuse me, were STUDENTS…not ADULTS.”  “ID please.” Yeah…pathetic right? so we said “ID? are you serious? Its kind of obvious were students right?” I  was so pissed by this point and my friends mouth was still pretty much hanging open. And this is where it got worse… “If you dont have your student ID i still have to charge you as an adult. $17 dollars please.”  Me and my friend stood there for like a minute, just totally…well…aghast you could say. That was when i noticed the impatient line behind us. So we paid for the tickets and went in.


seriously…what a rip off! I mean sure, this place is WAY cheaper than most places but still. that was a bloody rip off! So after the movie was over me and my friend were walking out and we saw two of our friends from my school. and as it turns out they wre going to see the same movie as we just did. and i asked them how much they had to pay for their tickets (let me just note the two of them were 14/15 yrs ok) and they said the 14 got in as a CHILD and the other girl (15 yrs) got in as a student and she didnt even have her bloody ID!

just to let you know, by this time i practically had steam coming out of my ears. I was seriously pissed. I mean, what a majour rip off! it just goes to show, no matter where you go people are always trying to suck your money out of you.