ZOMG love the riddler

i was reading this book the other day and it had a riddle in it

‘What is an eleven letter word that everybody pronounces inccorectly?’

and OMG. i dont think ive ever been more stumped in my life! seriously it is rrreeeaaalllyyy hard. and when the answer finally hit me, well lets just say i felt like a complete idiot. so i post this question out to all of you what is an eleven letter word that everybody pronounces inccorectly?

Daily Theme Song: Kryptonite – Three doors Down

The begining Pt.2

as you guys may of guessed i cant seem to get to sleep tonight so ive been thinking about the second section of my story. ive had an idea and i really like it. tell me what you think

‘Its’ face, ‘its’ smile. It was both horrifying and brilliant. I thought i might of had enough will power to resist going over to her – like i have been for the past five years – but not today, there was just something i had to know, what was so different about today? I walked up to the park bench where ‘it’…she sat, she was still smiling at me. “Who are you?” she said “What are you doing?”she spoke in a strange monotone, sorta like a female version of mircosoft sam…just a bit less…computery.

“I’m Camron,  what’s you’re name?” I couldnt even stop the words before they left my mouth, i had almost efectivly lost all of my self control.

“Why are you talking to me?”  what a rude little…girl(?) i thought

“Am i not allowed to talk to you?” i enquiered

“Yes…and no. People don’t talk to me.”

“Why?” There was no stopping me now, as i continued to talk to the girl i could feel this strange…essence twirling around me.

“I’m hungry…”

“Excuse me?” she repeated the sentance “If your so hungry why dont you go get somthing to eat?”

“I can’t move. Not allowed to move. I mus stay here-” As she spoke those words her face glazed over as almost if she was in a kind of trance. That alone told me i should be running right about now, but i couldn’t. For some reason i just couldnt leave this little girl alone.

“You stay there then, i’ll get you somthing to eat.” I ran across the park over to the vending machine all kids like chocolate right? i hastily though as i hurried back to the girl. She saw me coming back and a look of relief flowed across her face. almost as if she didnt expect me to come back. I felt my face flush. why the hell am i blushing?! i though angrily too myself.I handed her the chocolate and she smiled. The same one as before, it sent shivers down my spine.

“mmm…thank you.” She said. its was strange. she still used that weird monotone. her voice never changed. i wonder why…

“Why are you here…I mean, why do you sit here?” I couldnt help myself, i kind of just blurted it out.

“I’m waiting for someone.”

“waiting for someone?”

“Yes. He promised me. He said he had to go away, and that one day he would come back. He said to wait for me here. I wait everyday. Because he will come back.”

I suddenly felt a pang for this little girl. Yes, there was deffinatly somthing weird – to say the least – about her, but I couldnt help but feel sorry for her.

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“8 years ago, he said he had to leave and that he would always come back. It’s been so long…i can’t even remember his name.” she lloked solemly up to the sky “But i know he will come back, he promised”

“Well how about this? You tell me what he looks like and ill keep an eye out for him. I grew up here and i got back from traveling overseas 5 years ago, so i know my way around. So what did he look like?”

The girl reached inside of her breast pocket on her dress and pulled out a photo of a boy and girl.

I felt the colour drain from my face.

“Where did you get this?” I couldnt stop my voice from shaking, let alone my hands.

She pointed to the boy in the photograph “He gave it to me, so i would always remember.”

That was it, the last of my will power and self control had just flown out the now transparent window.

“A…are…are you…by any chance…could you possibly…are you…Vinnie?”

“Yes. my name is Vinnie. How did you know?” I wrapped myself as tightly around Vinnie as i possibly could. I breathed her very essence in. her very being. “What are you doing?”

“Vinnie! It’s me! Camron! Cam…you remember, its me Vinnie. Its Cam.”

The memories can flooding back to me, I was 11 and she was 10. My parents had just hooked a job doing telvision around the world – sorta like getaway – Vinnie was my one and only friend. I had always promised to come back to her. I had given her that picture of me, so she wouldnt never forget. I came back five years later, for school. i had totally forgotten about her. But she had never forgotten about me.

“Cam? Is it you?” Her small pale hand reached up to my square jaw; i was still hugging her “Your all big.”

I couldnt help but laugh. “It took me a while, but i kept my promise Vinnie. I came back. Now you. What happened to you? Why do you still look like this?” I lifted my head up so i could look at her face. I almost gasped at what i saw. She was fading, litterally. I could see through her. like she was a ghost. It was mortifying.


“Thank you Cam. You came Back.” She smiled at me. and her voice. oh it was beautiful. not like in that montone she had been speaking in this whole time, but her old voice. It sounded like angels singing. It made those memories that much more painful. The flood gates opened and i started to cry, the tears burned my cheeks. she waited all this time for me i thought. I look up to tell her how much i missed her, but she was already gone. faded away into nothingness.

It was only later on I found out that about 3 months after i had left; one day from coming home from the park bench, Vinnie was hit by a car. She was killed instantly.

The begining Pt.1

ive decided o enter this writng competition and i have this really bad writers bloack and this was all i could come up with. So can you guys please tell me what you think?

It’s still there. I say ‘it’ because im not even sure if ‘it’ is human, a girl to be precise. she sits there everyday. not moving, not speaking, her clothes dont even change and shes always there, she’s been there for five years. She always sits there, her blonde hair tied up neatly on either side of her head on two plait’s, she wore a red and white checkered dress that stopped about three-quaters of the way down her leg. She had strange white, frilly cuffs on her wrists and the socks she wore under her black shoes were simmilar. but it was always her eyes that got me, dark like the sea after a storm. So dark and scary, but mournfully beautiful at the same time. its really errie if you ask me. Oh and the fact that she never ages helps with the errie thing too…She hasent aged in five years

she looks younger than me (im 19) 10…11 at most, i cant be sure, but one thing i can tell is this: only i can see her. I know this because, no one talks to her, let alone looks at her. But somthing was different today. Her hair is down. Curiosity welled up inside of me, almost bursting…why was ‘it’ different today? thoughts like these swum through my mind. That’s when the strangest thing happened… she moved. Her small, heart-shaped face turned towards me and smiled. To an outsider it would of looked innocent and beautiful, but to me it was just plain terrifying.

and thats all i got so far. i have an idea of what i am going to do next. but my problem is i only have a 500 word limit (sigh) its a shame really. i means what the point in making a creative writing competition if they dont even give you enough room to BE creatitve. but thats beside the point. id love to know what you guys think!

Daily Theme Song: Awake and alive – Skillet

Daily Theme Song: Whispers in the Dark – Skillet

ill put up another one cause i really love this band!

2010 Abbey Medieval Festival!

didja miss me?

as you might of gussed today i went to the abbey medieval festival with my family*sigh*on thw whole it was pretty awesome. I’d been there once before, so there really wasnt anything i hadn’t seen before (besides the jousting, but ill get to that later) but still, i was blown away! the authenticity of it all! it was a 80% perfect. i found it quite funny because the sign at the entrance said “authentic medieval” and some chick in proper medieval outfit – not at all flawed – and she ruins the whole thing by texting on her iphone….i mean seriously….

but OH MAH GAWD! there were so many things there! Stalls, jousting tournament, archery competition, so you think you can medieval dance, horseback archery display, fencing, oil wrestling, gypsies, renaissance fair, jesters, floggings, music, puppet shows, romani trail, morris dancing, stainded glass tours, cannon tactics (shit those things are loud, my ears are still ringing), there was pretty much everthing imaginable! If you guys havent gone before i suggest you should! and omg, dont get me started on the food! aaahhhh, pigs on spits, lamb shanks, pancakes, ale, wines, pinnara and a whole bunch of other stuff that i cant spell! omg the food was AWESOME!

I bought heaps of stuff while i was there ($100+) and the stuff was a bit exy but it was deffinatly worth it, the quaitly at this place was supurb! i bought this beautiful pentagram necklace its rimmed with authentic rune scripts and has a blue jewl in the middle ($44), i bought a pair of sterling silver pentagran studs($6), i also bought a full length blue cloak; the good stuff ($75) beautiful im gonna wear it ever chance i get! and i got this celtic ring, it kinda loks like a really fancy silver rope ($7) i also got this really nice celtic box. it had celtic patterns carved onto it and it had a big pentagram engraved into the lid($15). and i bought about $20 worth of food.  but it sux cause i know ow my mom for the cloak (she bought it for me) so i have to pay it back to her. but oh well, the cloak was worth it.

we also watched the jousting tournament, we were in the nobels seating areas. It was arganorts vs amazons and for all of you ceatons that mean boy vs girl. its was wicked. some 60yr old dude won, it was epic.

omg i almost forgot i got a tattoo! its one of those indian ones – henna – itll last me about 3 weeks, and its good cause it just fades away in my skin, it doesnt peel or scratch off XD.



This is my guess

I found this pic on the net the other day and i reckon that this is probably the most plausable theory….you’ll see what i mean

A wise man once said…

i was sitting in a coffe shop the other day – just relaxing – and i ovehear this couples conversation. (dont get up me for listening in…curious cats like my are like that) One of them said:

…why is it that, even though im surrounded by people; my friends, my family, my colleuges, why is it that even though i am surrounded by friends, i feel so incredibly lonely?…”

Now for me this mans words meant alot to me. I know it wasnt even my convesation, i shouldn’t of even been listening, but i couldnt help it. when i heard that mans words…somthing inside me…i dont really know how to explain it….snapped? no i dont know, but what that man said had meant alot to me. It was about that time during my thoughts that his friend had a go at him.

but i see sense in that mans words.

you may be surrounded my people and family and friends and still be alone; it is more often that not.

now i ask you, what is your oppinion?

Daily Theme Song: Dont forget to breathe – Alexi Murdoch

hey guys i know i havent posted anything really significant in a while, but just let me say – BLOODY HELL GUYS IM GETTING TO IT! and i really like the song, and as you might of guseed i found it while watching the end of SGU. if you dont already know what it is….dont ask. anyway – here it is!

There’s a snake in mah boot!

wat does that heading mean? I’ll get to that in a bit.

The other day i went out to the movies with two of my friends: Princess and Mr Bobble Head. (lol i love the nicknames i gave them) before i actually met up with them, i was walking around the shopd and i ran into this little stall. guess what it was selling…..A SHAM WOWS! oh yeah im serious. so after we all met up we walked around the shops and i led them to the sham wow stand right. and my friend: Mr bobble head mangaed to con the guy into giving us two SHAM WOWS! ‘they’ll make you say wow, every time!’  it was pretty damn cool. so now i have a SHAM WOW! as you might have guessed getting a $20+ SHAM WOW! for free makes me happy. and omg. there were clowns. i hate clowns. one of them was eating a clown ice-cream from wendys….that aint right man. its like cannablism…but creamy. anyway. more fun stories. we were walking through K-mart and you know those photo prining stations/ computer or what ever you want to call them? yeah, those ones. well just for the heck of it we decided to print somthing off. i bluetooth’d a few pics over and we put the name in for the recipiant as ‘Bat Mantam” it was the funniest thing ever. We also went over to one of those machines that takes ur height and wieght for you. and when my friend has his turn, the recpit didnt actualy snapp off so we managed to take out the whole reel of recipt paper. so friggin halrious man. there was easily several or more meters of it there. we looked like such retards puching it around in a trolly. it was awesome. oh, we also went to the EB games shop (it was having a half price sale) and they were testing out the new halo game and this little kid was playing right, he would of been any more than like 10 or 11. so Mr bobble head and Princess are like. ‘aw yeah, ima gonna beat you!’ the little kid practically smashed them both…repeadtedly. and like Mr Bobble head and Princess are 14 and 15 and they were tatally getting creamed by this cocky little kid. the funniest thing ever.

Then eventually we went to go see the movie – Toy Story 3. its was awsome it was packed full of todlers and little kids and then there was us, three teens. too kewl. it was really funny cause up the back there were some kids who clapped when the movie started, so we were like ‘wtf are they clapping?!?!?!’ then we came up with the idea that we would clap and laugh at all the inopropriate parts. it worked like a charm. it made the movie a whole lot funnier. and woody kept on saying that shity line, theres a snake in mah boot! its so stupid and random its just so funny. anyway the movie was awesome.

omg! i almost forgot about the kid and his mom! we were walking to Ed’s Pc’s or somthing (i forget which shop) and we walked past this kid and his mom and the boy was looking all anoyed and sad and all you can hear is the mom saying “…now if you dont behave yourself your going in the bin!”…..yes i am totally serious. i mean it. im not joking. she actually said that. who says that to a kid! we didnt even look like he was six or seven for the gods sake! but hell. we pretty much burst out laughing right in front of her we couldnt stop laughing for like ages. seriously ‘….or your going in the bin…’ who says that! it still makes me laugh thinking about it.

well guys that pretty much a run down of my day out with my friends at the movies. hope you enojyed!

Fav Shane Dawson Post

I was randomly surfing youtube the other night and i came across this video. I admitt i really love shanes work, its awesome. But i think this is one of his funniest. It may be one of his simplest, but its just too good not to share.


Woah really random this

I was listening to a song this afternoon while i was washing and vacuming the floors ( 😦 ) and someting popped into my head. another poem. (im really on a roll lately)]

tell me what you think!

How could you do that?

How could you sit there,

And watch my bleeding heart decay?

You sat there,

you almost seemed to smile.

Why were you smiling?

Why do you take such pleasure in my pain,

You are the one who put me through this.

Why do you enjoy this so?

Why do you seem to enjoy this,

More than you enjoyed loving me,

And me loving you?

– Mangagirl33 (me)